Friday, July 10, 2009

Natural Stage Project

My snuggly little mama and her glowing rice cracker.

Yarden is camping ready.

Let me start by saying - I'm not easily impressed and I have an aversion to hipsters.

Which makes it all the more weighty an endorsement when I say that my friend Jon co-produces the most impressively unpretentious guerilla live events featuring good music, friendly folks & spectacular settings.

This week he presented a show at the vista of Topanga State Park.
Each band did one song off of In An Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel and the final act did two original songs comprised entirely of lyrics from Princess Bride.

Yarden and I braved the 405 to the 101 and then made a whole bunch of dodgy u-turns in a frustrating search for a hidden turn-off to the state park.
Note to CA, better signage might help park attendance.
Yarden napped while I debated ditching my search in favor of farmer's stand fruits and veggies and a trip to the Lululemon store in Calabasas.

On our last attempt, we found it. And thank goodness. What a beautiful idea.
(OK I found it. Yarden was useless - she just slept in the backseat.)

Jon's girlfriend Megan (who is also a mad knitter) took these photos.
I call this photo, "I am the luckiest mom in the world."

Yarden looking like she is popping a squat.