Saturday, November 20, 2010


Ariana Neive Hurley
Born September 19, 2010 at 7:58 AM. 7 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches.

This is Aliyah waiting before (I think she was searching for some "Law & Order" on her phone):

We were in the same prep room as last time. We also went to the same delivery room.
This is what Aliyah looks like when someone has cut her in half and is digging around in her internal organs.
Ta-dah! We know she's going to try and do things in her own unique way because she came out hand first.

The adults in this picture went to college for 8 years to learn how to count tiny tiny fingers and toes.

She can complain at ear-splitting volume, so we're sure she's part New Yorker.
She opened her eyes soon to check out mommy. That expression means "You look very different on the outside."
First group photo. There are pictures of Yarden, Mommy, Ariana, and Daddy together but they have too much nipple for public distribution.

Big James brought Deb and Alexa to visit.
James was happy there was no blood. Alexa and Deb were happy Grandpa Jay let them have turns holding Ariana.

Everything is going well. Aliyah is already walking a little and eating real food. Ariana let us take a nap in the afternoon and is eating Ariana food. Yarden is happy to see her little sister ate sushi last night. Oso and I have no idea what's going on and are eating dog food.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Few Pictures

Yarden and I are watching "Julie and Julia" and it reminded me that it's been a while since we blogged. So here is the laziest post I could do: some pictures we haven't published yet. Lame? Maybe, but if you're a fan of this blog then we're probably giving you exactly what you want.
Yarden has become somewhat fixated on band aids, "medicine" (bacitracin creams), and claims the littlest bump necessitates basic levels of first aid. Maybe she'll become a doctor? I gave her a box of Sponge Bob band aids. She went through them in two days. 
ROAR! Los Angeles Natural History Museum. 
Mead fermenters in Portland, ME.
Yarden at the aquarium in Coney Island. 
Big Foot at the Cryptozoology Museum in Portland. It's also a book store where I found a great book of cocktail recipes.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Get on the Bus

Yarden decided she wanted to ride a bus. She probably thought it would be just like the song "Wheels on the Bus." There were less monkeys, but here are some pictures:
We walked to the bus stop.
We missed the west-bound bus by one light change so we had to wait.

We changed our minds and decided to go downtown. We almost missed that on too but we made it. At last we were on the bus!

The thrill wore off.
We went home.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ms. Leprechaunus Maximus! She will be arriving mid to late November. Her interests include kicking, swimming, and making her mother throw up.

And congratulations to Chris, Helga, and Sofie on the arrival of Mr. Anders Albert Wilson.


Yarden is getting big enough to play on her own, but sometimes that leads to unfortunate incidents. Here’s a picture of one that didn’t involve poop:


She put on her own sun block. Right before bedtime. She was worried about getting a sunburn while she was asleep.

It’s become clear that she’s right handed. She throws and draws that way, so I guess she won’t be playing first base. Maybe she will bat clean up.


She is also drawing a lot. Drawing usually involves a lot of broken crayons, at least one attempt to draw on something other than paper, tearing the paper, and naming the banana shaped objects she has drawn something very Matise-like, such as “Helicopter” or "Mommy."


She's also become a much better conversationalist. Here’s a typical conversation:


Y: What are you doing Dad?

S: I’m making dinner.

Y: What are you doing Dad?

S: I’m chopping carrots.

Y: You’re chopping carrots. What are you doing Dad?

S: I’m making a salad.

Y: What are you doing Dad?

S: What do you think I’m doing?

Y: I don’t know.

S: Am I making a monkey pizza?

Y: Nooooo!

S: What do you think I'm doing?

Y: You're making dinner!

S: That's right. You're so smart.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yarden Dance-Off

Yarden is not shy.

Despite a boo-boo on her foot that had her in tears just moments earlier, a band-aid from the waiter was all it took for Yarden to take center stage at Dar Maghreb last night.

I credit reality TV, specifically So You Think You Can Dance, for her moves.

The fearlessness I just admire.

You can watch in on youtube here:

** There were somersaults too, but the camera missed them.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This post is really just for family - or anyone looking for a great LA preschool

One of the dads at Little Huntley shot a video of all the kids one Friday afternoon.
It's gorgeous and really captures Yarden and her friends.
I love this school.

Video is on the link below:
password: huntley2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day = Good Eats

We started the day early - because one of us (the shortest one) insists that we start every day early. Two year olds rise with the sun with all the alert intensity of a rooster.

Sure - sometimes she'll snuggle in our bed for fifteen minutes, but she soon bores of sleepy mommy and sleepy mommy's lack of willingness to be jumped on. Sooner than I want, she demands that I get out of bed to pour her a juice and fire up the Upside Down show.

This morning though, Seamus and I beat her to the rise and got to enjoy some foul mouthed TV (Mr. Show) before little Miss PG commandeered the DVR.

We decided to go to breakfast at Huckleberry's. Those of you who see me on a regular basis will know this as the place in Santa Monica that I drove to one Saturday morning in search of the buratta and prosciutto sandwich that was featured on the cover of Los Angeles magazine's food issue.

After much classy, artisinal deliciousness we took Yarden down to Santa Monica pier and the beach. She's been talking about the beach lately and listing its virtues (kites, birds, water, sand), so we were excited to take her. On the way home, we stopped at Bay City Delis to grab take out lunch. Yes, more prosciutto - don't judge.

Tonight, we are having friends over. Seamus is whipping up a shrimp dish from Boy Meets Grill and I plan on polishing off a blender full of strawberry, mint lemonade.

What a lovely Fathers Day.

Below is a slideshow I made for Seamus.
It's about 5 minutes long.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today she had a party at her daycare. She wore the birthday crown again which officially makes it a tradition.
Mommy made a mix CD as a party favor and Yarden danced to it.
Everyone else joined in. Daddy threw out his back while playing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes."
Yarden blew out her candles, but also burned her lip.

That's Eli next to her. It's his birthday too.

I think right now Yarden can be summed up by explaining her new maneuver I like to call “The Armadillo.” Every morning I put sun block on her face and every time she says “Not in my eyes” and then covers her eyes; sometimes while running and that usually does not end well. When I do manage to get some on her face she smears the lotion into her eyes while attempting to wipe it off. I’ve gotten good at boxing her in between the couch and my legs, but she has come up with judo-like move of her own: She waits until my hands are covered in lotion and blocks like a boxer while simultaneously resting her thirty-ish pounds of dead weight on whichever limb is holding her up. Eventually I have to put her down or risk smearing the couch and/or my dress shirt with lotion. She folds into a ball on the floor and scoots backwards (The Armadillo) until she can make a run for it. My favorite part is that when it’s finally done and she has stopped complaining she calmly turns to me and says “Thank you Daddy.”

I’m very proud of her problem solving skills, and I’m guessing that she is on her way to becoming a lawyer because she can turn any ten minute task into a half hour.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Any suggestions?

Yarden will be 2 next month. What are we going to do for her party?

We could go to Travel Town.
But what if no one comes?
We could have a virtual birthday party.
We could do crayon/play doh sculptures:
We could have a nachos party: 
But it's so hard not to eat them before you serve them.
Any suggestions?

And while we're updating holiday pictures...

Merry christmas from Simon and Henry.