And congratulations to Chris, Helga, and Sofie on the arrival of Mr. Anders Albert Wilson.
Yarden is getting big enough to play on her own, but sometimes that leads to unfortunate incidents. Here’s a picture of one that didn’t involve poop:

She put on her own sun block. Right before bedtime. She was worried about getting a sunburn while she was asleep.
It’s become clear that she’s right handed. She throws and draws that way, so I guess she won’t be playing first base. Maybe she will bat clean up.
She is also drawing a lot. Drawing usually involves a lot of broken crayons, at least one attempt to draw on something other than paper, tearing the paper, and naming the banana shaped objects she has drawn something very Matise-like, such as “Helicopter” or "Mommy."
She's also become a much better conversationalist. Here’s a typical conversation:
Y: What are you doing Dad?
S: I’m making dinner.
Y: What are you doing Dad?
S: I’m chopping carrots.
Y: You’re chopping carrots. What are you doing Dad?
S: I’m making a salad.
Y: What are you doing Dad?
S: What do you think I’m doing?
Y: I don’t know.
S: Am I making a monkey pizza?
Y: Nooooo!
S: What do you think I'm doing?
Y: You're making dinner!
S: That's right. You're so smart.