I know now that there is actually a fan base for this blog and you have all been very vocal in your frustration about our lack of entries. And speaking of vocal... SHE SPEAKS! Yarden said her first word at the tender age of 16 weeks.
Seamus & Yarden & I were all hanging out in bed on a rare lazy Saturday morning and we were talking to Yarden and saying, "Hello" when she turned to us and responded "Hello!".
Seamus and I were dumbstruck and could not believe what we had heard so we tentatively said, "Hello?". She parroted back, 'Hello" - again, clear as lasik, in an adorable sing songy way. We then spent about an hour trying to get her to say it again, which she didn't.
We told Teacher Carla who reported that Yarden said "Hi" to her in clas when she woke up from her nap.
Since then I haven't heard many words, but she babbles in full sentences to the ceiling fan.
Is it 3 visits or 4 since May? All I know is that grandchildren are awesome visitor bait.
I haven't seen my folks this much since I lived back east.
On the last visit with Grandma, we stayed pretty close to home and mostly basked in the baby. This visit was all about the valley, ventura & venice. We visited with Mell and Sally, then spent the night at Herb & Shelley's beach house, then visted Felicia's folks on the way back. On Labor Day, Margie threw a party and we all hung out in Venice.
Ventura was Yarden's first overnight and she loved staying at Herb and Shelley's place.
They were pretty cool about letting her take a bath in the sink.
I cannot imagine other guests getting away with that.
I'm hitting "Publish Post" for now because we are so horribly off schedule.
I still need to report on:
Mommy and Baby's First Trip / AKA Christmas Comes Early for Yarden
Yarden vs the Wiggly Worms
& Yarden is the best behaved baby at the Rosh Hashana Services (really that's all there is to say on the topic but it's true).