Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Reviews Are Already Coming In!

NY Daily News
8:00 p.m. (13) "Wired Science." This may be the most successful attempt
by PBS in a decade or more, going all the way back to "Alive From Off
Center," to aggressively court a younger, cutting-edge audience. That
series was all about the arts. This one, coming from the folks at Wired
magazine, is all about the sciences - including a bank robbery done via
the Internet.

Detroit Free Press
Wired Science" (10:30 p.m., WTVS-TV, Channel 56, PBS). Series premiere.
Produced in association with Wired magazine, the fast-paced weekly
journal, co-hosted by Chris Hardwicke and Kamala Lopez, explores
cutting-edge advances in science and technology. Sharp, informative, fun.

Westchester NY Times Herald
The new series "Wired Science" (8 p.m., PBS) offers a quick and
entertaining roundup of science and technology stories. The experts are
young, and the tone is fast and cheeky.

TV Barn, syndicated
Joining "Nova" and "Nature" on the PBS lineup this week, "Wired Science"
is a wholly successful adaptation of the leading print magazine of new
technology. It's fast-paced, yet substantial; serious, yet with a light

USA Today
PBS teams with Wired magazine for Wired Science (tonight, 8 ET/PT, times
may vary), which promises to take an irreverent approach to scientific
subjects. Up first is a report on a botnet attack on Estonia's banks and
newspapers. And if the term "botnet" is a stumper, then the show and PBS
are fulfilling their educational mission.

Hartford Courant
In an attempt to present a hipper version of "Nova," the new "Wired
Science" (CPTV, 8 p.m.) uses the resources of the tech magazine Wired to
present a mélange of interesting developments, usually involving the
Internet. It starts with a story about a huge Internet crash in Estonia
caused by robots. The smart-alecky host you're trying to place is Chris
Hardwick, the former host of "Shipmates."

Hollywood Reporter
Bottom Line: Mr. Wizard" for the grown-up but hip generation

My friend Vic Sarjoo -
"Hey -- This is great. It's like 3-2-1-contact for adults.
Watching the russkies cyber-attack Estonia segment online now.
I'm genuinely engaged."

Dan Abrams (to me and Damon Gambuto, producer extraordinaire) : "Overall, I would watch and enjoy this show even if I didn't know you worked on it.But because you're two of the smartest, most entertaining people I know I get the positive vicarious kick that surpasses my higher expectations."
Check out Damon's blog at

My Dad -
"Hey Sweetie, It was great, we loved your show. We watched it all the way to the end and your card was longer than David Byrne's. We're very proud."

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Dear Friends,

The first of ten episodes of Wired Science, the series I've been producing, premieres on October 3rd. That's this Wednesday at 8 PM on PBS.

I'm incredibly proud of the show.
It's smart, funny, engaging and has taught me loads that I didn't know before.

Check out the video previews at:

The hosts are:
Chris Hardwick (yes, from singled Out). He's friggin hilarious and a legit geek.
Ziya Tong - super hottie and smartie pants. In addition to being a great host (she's won the Canadian equivalwent of an Emmy) she's also a good friend and the person who recommended me for this gig.
Kamala Lopes who is talented & lovely &, like me, went to Midwood High School AND was on Sesame Street as a kid. What are the chances?

Adam Rogers - he's the science editor for Wired Magazine and the Meteorite Hunters pieces was his first TV appearance. He's a natural & this show will make him a star.

Depending on what kind of TV viewer you are, maybe you'll watch it because you donate to PBS and you want to know how I’m spending your money, or perhaps you'll watch it because it's HD and it will let you enjoy the full functionality of your flat screen investment, or maybe you'll watch because you are my grandma.

Whatever reason you watch, I think you’ll enjoy it.

If you prefer not to commit your TIVO time until you know what the UConn Daily Campus has o say - well look no further. There is a ridiculously hyperbole filled review at:

In other news, I've been spending loads of time in the edit bay.
For any of you who work in television (or movies or promos), you'll appreciate these two links.
Rough Cut Lady
(went around last year, but still hilarious).
Impossible Promo Approval Guy
