Friday, December 19, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I'd never seen this before or heard of it - but my friend Kristin tagged me on her blog (

Evidently she posted this back in early November, so imagine my surprise when mid-December, while casually perusing her postings when I found myself called out by name to lay my soul bare and answer a whole bunch of personal questions (honestly no less), then post the responses PUBLICLY on my own blog.

I don't like this at all.
But it felt like a fair challenge, so here goes.

I am: grateful. Also - highly opinionated (others have said "control freak").

I want: a solid sense of community.
I have: a wonderful nuclear and extended family.
I dislike: superficiality. It's disarming/distancing to interact with people who go through life with a veneer or an agenda.
I miss: having Nancy in my life every day.
I fear: losing my parents, getting in in over my head financially, getting complacent. More superficially - rats & roller coasters & that I will regret the time I spend watching TV.
I feel: back pain. I should be writing my holiday cards on a desk, not a TV tray.
I hear: Bluegrass on my daughter's night ipod mix, a load of diapers in the laundry, a wimpering dog, the fire from our wall panel heater.
I smell: dog - back up Oso.
I crave: pasta with parmegian regiano so I can try my new microplaner grater. Seamus is at the store buying the cheese now.
I cry: wow, when I regret my behavior, about the effects of Prop 8, thinking about kids who have basic holiday requests that will go unfulfilled, knowing how fleeting this period of Yarden's life is and fearing that something bad might someday happen to her.
I usually: run things by Seamus.
I search: etsy, amazon, google, for balance.
I wonder: whether the school system is as bad as I fear & whether it will really make a difference.
I regret: looking for a fight instead of enjoing the moment - especially with my mom (but not just her). Not spending better time with my Great Grandmother. I only realize way to late how lonely she was.
I love: being snuggled by my husband and baby.
I care: about being a good mother.
I always: am keenly aware of my "To Do" list.
I worry: about my posture, about being liked, about balancing work and motherhood and being a high achiever at both.
I am not: a stay at home mom. I know I couldn't hack it.
I remember: less than most of my elementary school days. I would not be my own best biographer.
I believe: in the best in people, even when there's good reason not to.
I dance: to make my dughter laugh out loud.
I sing: along with the radio.
I don’t always: floss, load the dishwasher,...where to begin. I'm obsessive at work - secretly lazy at home. Seamus would ask, "secret from whom"? I'm like the CEOs who frequent Dominatrixes (dominatri?).
I argue: about whether to have a Christmas tree in our home.
I write: blog entries, e-mails, production calendars, to do lists, holiday cards, host copy, and the ocassional letter to settle my mind but never, ever be sent.
I win: most of the "discussions" in our family.
I lose: important papers in the piles around the house.
I wish: I had a toned body and could keep an organized house - both without expended inordianate amounts of effort. And that I was better with names. And that Facebook could distinguish between Friends, Aquaintances and Business Colleagues. And that I was craftier. I admire the no tv, DIY/Do It All moms who make a rainy afternoon's activities look like a Martha Stewart Kids layout. Maybe someday...
I listen: to This American Life.
I don’t understand: why Miley Cyrus?
I can usually be found: via cell phone.
I need: a vacation without my laptop or cell phone.
I forget: people's names the moment we are introduced.
I am happy: sleeping in, when my baby smiles, eating food that exceeds my expectations, having conversations with friends that move beyond catching up, reading a good book, playing Taboo, waking up with my daughter. I'm happy most of the time.
I tag: Nancy
So now, Nancy (you lucky woman you), you get to copy and paste and fill this out on your very own blog.