"...That it should come to this!"
It is hard to write the words that express how great this week is.
(1) The Red Sox won the division title tonight!
It has been 12 years. We've been to the play-offs since then. We've even won the World Series since then. And, admittedly, I was worried for a while that a 14 & 1/2 game lead this season would ultimately be squandered.
I also admit during the second half of the season I regularly sent e-mails to Julian Tavarez offering him increasing amounts of money to stab Julio Lugo. [Not "career-ending-stab," just "60-day-DL-stab."] Then it was J. D. Drew. Finally, I just wanted Gange to have an "kitchen accident." By the end, $300 was the most I could raise. Perhaps I didn't try hard enough. Or, more likely, I should have just cut to the chase and solicited Yankees fans. Regardless, jtarvarez@dustyballs.com never responded.
An obscene amount of my time this week was spent being a Lay-Z-Boz Francona and debating other Red Sox fans and several homeless people (side-note: there is significant overlap between these groups in Los Angeles) if it would have been better to be well-rested and the wild card team or to be the division champions and tired. Now it is a moot point and sadly I can't get those hours (or the 3% of my Pabst-eaten liver) back.
The Red Sox beat the Twins (as it should be) and the Yankees lost to the Orioles on a bunt in the tenth inning. If there is any justice, Jeter-tear-flavored Cheerios will be on E-Bay tomorrow.
(2) The Festival of Sukkot has started!
By far this is my favorite Jewish ceremony. (A) We get to sleep outside. (B) By sleeping outside we pay respect to people who had the courage and dignity to rise up and declare "I built the pyramids. Up the Pharaoh with this a slave thing!"
Early on, Aliyah and I agreed to raise our children Jewish and Red Sox fans. I look forward to building the Sukkah with them, explaining why we are sleeping outside, and teaching them that their ancestors (both Jewish and Irish) never backed down, and that it will be a cold day in Hell before they do.
Lastly, here is my favorite version of "Hamlet":