In celebration of Fathers Day, we had a daddy day.
Extra bacon for breakfast followed by a relaxing afternoon at Home Depot. Here we are at breakfast with Seamus rocking his daddy shirt. For dinner, Lisa and James came over and we made lobsters and had a campfire with delicious wine. Here are some shots of Yarden investigating our dinner.
At some point she realized that they were moving and became less brave.
Blue Eyes
It was a picture perfect Sunday afternoon. The sky was an endless brilliant
blue without a single cloud to mar it. The trees were showing the first
Busy, busy, dreadfully busy!
Oh, life gets busy! Other than a brief Adam's 11th birthday entry, I
haven't updated my blog since February, so if you want the March, April,
May, and/or J...
IndustryMamas has moved to our new online home
We've migrated to
Please e-mail with your name, profession, and names and
ages of your kids if you would lik...
3 weeks, 2 wheels and a dog on thyroid meds
It's been an intense 3 weeks in Austin. The chickens and their lazy ways
have become an enviable and distant dream, I've gotten alot better at
negotiating ...
The Big Day, and See You Later
Monday, August 18
Today Yarden starts "school", her nursery day care. It's a great facility
that Dick and I were fortunate enough to visit earlier this sum...