Pre-child, my computer, wallet and I would board a plane. I'd have a stack of gossip magazines and my Bose headphones and I'd be asleep before I got any return on my $5 movie investment. Flying used to be the closest thing to teleporting I'd ever experienced. Board a plane, fall asleep, wake up, check face for drool, change watch to new timezone.
Post-child, flying is an entirely different beast - involving outfit changes, the potential for eruptive poops, and a collection of distractions.
But you do get to board early.
Everyone told me that between the low oxygen and the white noise - infants will sleep the whole trip.
Not our girl.
She was up and alert, smiling, flirting with anyone who walked down the aisle, and mostly interested in being held over my head to see the rows of folks behind us.
Thus the title of this blog entry.
I sat next to missionaries for my trip out and they were friendly enough that I felt comfortable leaving Yarden with them when I went to pee.
Upon arrival I was exhausted. I've literally never done anything on a flight before but sleep. Then I realized that I kept thinking of the time change wrong and that I was going to have to wait until 11:30 PM to bathe the girl every night if I wanted to keep her on LA time.
Initially, Yarden was flying with me to be my date for Tyler and Kate's wedding, but since all 4 grandparents were chomping at the bit to babysit - I was persuaded in the final week to leave her with them in Brooklyn.
This put a ton of pressure on my last few days in LA since I now had to find a dress that I could wear to a wedding solo. If I have Yarden in a sling - she's the outfit and food stains are easily explainable. Without the comfort of Yarden strapped to me as distraction & conversation piece, I had to find something formal that didn't scream "baby weight!" and could also accommodate the fact that my boobs would expand about 3 cup sizes in the 8 hours I would be away from her.
It took 3 trips to Nordstroms, but I finally found something "adequate".
To make the most of our two days in Brooklyn, I crammed in visits with a lot of my favorite folks.
Steve Christenson was in for the wedding, so he and his long term girlfriend Mary Kay came to breakfast. She's awesome. Sassy, funny, smart, outspoken. For all the fans of Steve who read this - you'll be glad to know that he's got a job he likes that seems to be leading him into a career in green building and a great lady by his side. He's left Detroit for Atlanta and when I've asked him how he likes that he starts with "Well Aliyah, y'know I sweat a lot..." I think he and MK wish they'd found their dream life somewhere else.
After breakfast, I met up with a mix of awesome elementry, high school and college friends for brunch. Liz, Mara, Jessica, Nancy and Greg and Di all met up at Greg and Di's with children in tow. It was adorable. Liz, Jess and Greg & Di's second kids are within a month or so of Yarden so little mama got to meet her lifelong Brooklyn buddies. She just didn't know it yet.
The wedding was fantastic.
Kate and Tyler both looked fantastic and over the moon happy (fuzzy photo attached). The decor was classy with a victorian/speakeasy feel and a Brooklyn based jug band called the "Jug Addicts". It was a crowd of aquaintances that became friends over the course of the night. Just a wonderful night.
In the meantime, Yarden was pampered and massaged (literally, its part of her bedtime routine) by all four grandparents. They posed for pictures and aparrently put stuff on her head.

I've created a new album of Yarden photos that starts on October 3rd 2008.
October 3rd of 2007 was the day I found out I was pregnant - so it's an auspicious date that coincides with Yarden's frst Brooklyn visit. Here are two links to the photos.
A Slideshow of New Photos
A Link to the Album of Downloadable Photos