Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guest Blogger Yarden on Her 1st & a half birthday

Shhhhh! Mama and Dada are going to be soooo surprised I can write. Don't tell. Now that I'm a big girl I have a few questions that need to be answered: 

(1) Why does Dada call Oto "Oso"?  I think Dada needs to work on his diction. 
(2) Why can't I go to school every day? Those kids are delicious (and they have the bite marks to prove it)! 
(3) Who is this baby Mama and Dada have all these pictures of? Should I be nervous?
(4) When is this recession going to be over? It seems like it's been going on my whole life!
(5) Will the Red Sox win the World Series in my lifetime? 


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