Yarden is now 8 weeks old and the girl is incredible.
She wakes up smiling and staring at us with her giant eyes (still blue, and for that matter she hasn't lost any of her hair). My friend Anna described raising a child as watching evolution at high speed and as usual the lady is clever and correct .
Every day Yarden seems more engaged in her surroundings and I can watch her learn and adapt. She sticks out her tongue, can roll over toward a familiar voice, talks to herself, will occasionally shake a rattle placed in her hand and she even pushes up on her feet to help you pick her up.
OK - I'll admit that sort of mommy babble is why I've been afraid to blog lately.
I was afraid I'd gush with fascination over minutia anyone but my parents or in laws would be bored to tears by - but what can say, anyone reading this must be moderately interested.
We got an amazing gift from Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie - a flip ultra video camera.
Finally, a piece of technology that I really don't have to read the directions to use.
We leave it with Faerie Poppins to shoot video of Yarden while we are at work.
I haven't posted in a while and there is ton to catch up on (first month back at work, the adventures of Faerie Poppins, the show I'm about to start pitching), but for now I'll let these videos tell a few stories.
If you like these, the earliest video of the girl is posted in the Jan 1 2008 entry. Though compared to her 13 week sonogram, Yarden is now much bigger and far more colorful.
Josiah, Felicia and Jackson were in LA for 2 weeks and Mom, Dad and Grandma were here for 5 days of the same stretch. It was fantastic to get to spend so much time with the family and of course we threw a party for everyone. (None of these videos are from that party.)
My Grandmother met her Great Grand-daughter for the first time and chose the moniker Grandmama.
Here's a video of Grandmama and Yarden.
And here's a video of my nephew Jackson REALLY wanting to drink my brother's beer.
And finally, for the hardcore Yarden fans - a smile.
1 comment:
We've been out of town since Thursday and home for about 12 hours. I've already played this one about 100 times. WOW! Thank you thank you!
Love ya!
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