Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yarden's Latest Fascination

More than anything, I wish I knew what my daughter was thinking.
She gurgle, coos, talks to herself, laughs, gets antsy and rewards both the live and inanimate with huge smiles.

It's clear there is a rich interior monologue going on.

For the last half hour she's been trying to muster the nerve to touch her current fascination - the pig attached to her bouncy chair. She smiles coyly, grins at it, reaches out, then pulls her hand back like, "oh - I daren't".

I imagine her thoughts are something like this:
Yarden: Daddy - have you seen this thing? It's a pig with corn. Isn't that silly!
A pig with corn! Who thought of such a thing. Absolutey amazing. (Giggle.)

Daddy: You can touch it. (Reaches her hand out to show her that the corn is also a spinning rattle)

Yarden: (Laughing) I can't believe you did that. I hope the farm gods don't punish your hubris. Daddy there's so much you don't understand.

Yarden loves/can be cheered up by:
1) The part of Mommy that feeds her
2) The ceiling fan (really any ceiling fan, they all look the same to her)
3) Mirror baby
4) Mommy
5) The reflection of a fan in a mirror
6) Daddy
7) Diaper changes
8) Baths

Any of the following can increase their ranking by singing to her.

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