Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quick Updates

My friend Lisa Cole and I created on online community for working moms in entertainment.

It's called Industry Mamas ("Nurturing our careers and our families") and the website is at We launched on May 19th and we already have 114 members! If you are a mom in the industry and you want to join, please send me an e-mail with your name, title and name and ages of your kids.

Also - and only because a few facebook friends have asked - yes, I did win my office's weight loss challenge. I didn't think I had a prayer since I'm still nursing, but the $50 entry fee was a small price to pay for some some structure and a deadline (and I am damn competitive). I've been cooking all my own meals and walking and/or running every day.

I lost 36 pounds which actually puts me just below pre-baby weight. I'm getting examined for life insurance this Saturday mornng, so I'm running every day until then in the assumption that the lower my BMI the lower my rate.

And finally, the babies are coming - some are even here!!!

Avi and Alex gave birth to their triplets on May 11th -
Maxine Lola, Kuba Oscar, & Zack Jules. And in the last couple of weeks I found out that Courtney MacGregor is expecting her first, Shiran & Joel are expecting their second and Kristin Gentile Hooten is expecting her fourth!

I am so excited/a little jealous.

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