She's got 4 teeth coming in simultaneously and when the pain hits her she wails like a banshee and flails her body around. Occasionally she punctuates the meltdown with a random headbutt, just to keep us on our toes.
She sometimes can be calmed enough to let me cool and hydrate her by wetting her lips with with pedialyte ice pops - like a tiny tuberculosis victim. She also has added the word/demand "ice" to her vocabulary rotation, as in "I'm handing you back this sippy cup of water because it's not sufficiently chilled." Of course she simply uses the efficient one word demand "Ice!"
Oh - and who can forget the diaper rash, stinky pee, and constant drool that herald the arrival of new teeth.
Only infant tylenol and nursing and sleeping on daddy make her feel better.
We kept her home from school today.
This was the scene when I left the house this morning.
As Seamus aptly observed this morning, it's interesting that evolution didn't make babies MORE appealing when they are sick. What keeps animals from leaving their teething offspring in trees?

Awww... poor thing! Big hugs to Yarden!
For the record - I was trying to get laundry done at the same time. - Seamus
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