Sunday, May 18, 2008

3 nurses, 2 doctors, and 4 Law & Orders later

We got dinner from a Japanese place down the street. Alan, Sonja, and little Jocelyn came by to visit though Jocelyn wasn't allowed in the room. The hospital has a policy of not allowing babies which are outside of their mothers into Labor and Delivery. Jocelyn didn't seem to mind though; she now has her ears pierced and was busy flirting with older boys.

A resident did a fifth round of tests to determine if the fluid coming out of Aliyah is, in fact, amniotic fluid. Shockingly, it is. Our friend Helga texted to say she was sent home after a similar situation and got an infection for her troubles.

There's nothing resembling active labor now, and there hasn't been for the 9 hours since Aliyah's water first broke, so we're talking about inducing to avoid infection. Aliyah has an I.V. in now - which makes her very unhappy. Sometime in the next few hours she'll get a dose of Pitocin. Looks like it will be a late night delivery. Make that 3 sleepless nights in a row. Good practice for the future.

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