Monday, May 19, 2008

Anyone who has ever seen me try to manage a walkie, ifb and cell phone at the same time would be amazed to know...

I'm currently hooked up to:
I.V. (2)
Internal contraction monitor
Blood pressure cuff
External baby heart monitor

Given that I don't like needles or taking any sort of medicine, I'm going to go ahead and say I'm being a trooper.

Seamus is being an amazing support. This process started 2 days ago - Sunday at 1 am, when the pain got so bad that Seamus had to help me in to the bath where I stayed until 8 am, with Seamus sleeping next to me on the bathmat.

And if you think that Seamus is blogging comprehensively - you should see the journal the nurses are keeping.

At this point I'm 7 cm dilated - finally - and my doctor is going to stop in on the way to her office.
And the nurses are all confident the baby is coming today so Seamus has started investigating her birthday. Also born on this day: Pol Pot, Malcolm X. Ho Chi Minh, and Pete Townsend.

Until this morning, the labor has progressed so slowly that it hasn't felt real. Now, we are close enough to pushing that I'm getting pretty scared.


Anonymous said...

If anyone can multi-task this baby...It is you! You are doing great and we want wait to see your baby (name to be revealed soon.)

Anonymous said...

can't wait, not want wait. That makes no sense!