Monday, May 19, 2008

No Baby Yet. Everything is Okay.

Either she is her father's child and is being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, or she is her mother's child and trying to hold on until the official due date. Since it's unlikely she has a day planner in there I'm going to guess the former.

The baby won't turn into a position that allows her to fit through the exit. With over 24 hours of this and Aliyah having the shakes and nausea from the medication and fatigue, Dr. Walden is ready to start talking about cesarean delivery. We'll see what develops over the next 2 hours. The nurses and Dr. Walden are trying to coerce our little girl along by putting Aliyah into different positions. It takes three people and a half dozen pillows propping things up.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, it's worth the wait. She's going to be beautiful. Aliyah, your a total trooper!
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you guys non stop.

Anonymous said...

Is she on beer yet?