Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yarden is Exceptional

Yarden just turned 2 days old and already she is proving to be exceptional.

She only NE
EDED to have 1 wet diaper and 1 dirty diaper on her first day according to the nutrition chart, but our little overachiever had 2 black tarry diapers in her first 24 hours.

She also took this very cool hearing test.
They put tiny baby headphones on her and tested to see if her brain reacted to a series of sounds. She passed.

She's also shown a subtle defiant streak - or at least a desire NOT to be fenced in by labels or boundaries. For the 3rd time today, she has kicked off her id tag and her baby lojack. I don't know how our little Houdini does it, the devices just suddenly fall out of her baby burriito wrap.

We can't stop photographing her - so I made an album of her that we will keep adding photos to at


HeptagonOmnimedia said...

don't shake the baby! -- deb

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